8 Health Benefits Of Cardamom And Their Side Effects

8 Health Benefits Of Cardamom And Their Side Effects

– Cardamom is a spice that has been used by people for centuries both as a spice in cooking and medicine.

According to Medical News Today, people can consume cardamom as a supplement for its health benefits.

People can buy cardamom as:

Cardamom contains phytochemicals that have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Phytochemicals (phytochemicals are sometimes called phytonutrients) are all types of chemical substances or nutrients derived from plant sources including vegetables and fruits.

Cardamom also contains several vitamins and minerals, as well as some fiber.

One tablespoon of ground cardamom contains:

Researchers have conducted several small studies on the benefits of cardamom, the findings of which suggest that cardamom has several health benefits.

1. Antimicrobial ability

Citing Medical News Today, the oil from cardamom seeds has the potential to kill bacteria and fungi.

A study found that the benefits of cardamom in the form of essential oils are effective in killing several types of bacteria and fungi.

Researchers suggest that the antibacterial activity of the oil may be due to its ability to damage the cell membranes of certain bacteria.

In another study cardamom essential oil showed “antimicrobial activity against almost all test microorganisms”.

Citing Healthline, one study looked at the benefits of cardamom in the form of an extract to inhibit the growth of Candida yeast variants.

Candida fungus is the cause of fungal infections that usually attack the skin, mouth, intimate organs.

If not treated, fungal infections can spread to other parts of the body, such as the intestines, kidneys, heart, and brain.

Cardamom extract was able to inhibit the growth of several variants of Candida fungi by 0.99-1.49 cm.

Additional test-tube research found that cardamom essential oil and extract had similar properties.

This spice is sometimes more effective than standard drugs against E coli and Staphylococcus, bacteria that can cause food poisoning.

Test-tube studies have also shown that cardamom essential oil is able to fight Salmonella (causing food poisoning) and Campylobacter (causing stomach inflammation) bacteria.

Existing studies on the antibacterial effects of cardamom have only looked at bacterial variants isolated in the laboratory. Thus, further research is needed on humans.

Moreover, it is recommended to consult a doctor before consuming cardamom essence oil.

Some products may interact with existing medications or cause side effects.

2. Maintain oral health

The next benefit of cardamom is as a mouth freshener that has been practiced for centuries.

Citing Medical News Today, ancient people used cardamom as a breath freshener not because of its taste. But because of its usefulness.

Cardamom can help fight bacteria in the mouth, a common cause of bad breath, cavities, and gum disease.

A study found that cardamom seeds and fruit can help improve oral health due to their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

The findings suggest that cardamom extract is effective in preventing the development of bacteria that can cause gum disease or infection.

In a randomized trial, researchers asked participants to chew fennel or cardamom seeds for 5 minutes.

The researchers found that chewing both types of seeds was effective in balancing the pH in the mouth, which could help prevent the development of cavities.

Citing Healthline, a study found that the benefits of cardamom are effective against 5 bacteria that cause cavities.

In several test-tube studies, cardamom extract prevented bacterial growth by up to 2.08 cm.

Another test-tube study showed that cardamom extract could reduce the number of bacteria in saliva samples by 54 percent.

However, there have been no direct studies in humans.

3. Overcoming metabolic syndrome and diabetes

Citing Medical News Today, several studies show that the benefits of cardamom can help reduce metabolic syndrome.

Metabolic syndrome is a group of health conditions that can lead to heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

The symptoms are:

There was one animal study, in which researchers fed mice a diet high in carbohydrates and fat.

As a result, mice that also consumed cardamom powder had lower body weight and better cholesterol than those who did not receive this supplement.

In another study, researchers recruited women who were overweight or obese and had prediabetes and high cholesterol.

Their findings showed that women who consumed cardamom for 8 weeks had higher levels of C-reactive protein, inflammatory protein, and other markers that help manage health problems.

There is also a study, in which researchers gave 83 people with type 2 diabetes green cardamom or a placebo.

Those who consumed cardamom saw health benefits, including increased levels of hemoglobin A1c (controls diabetes) and insulin, after 10 weeks.

4. Maintain heart health

Citing Medical News Today, several animal studies have linked the benefits of cardamom to improving heart health.

However, more human studies are needed on the efficacy of this spice on heart health.

Research findings in mice suggest that cardamom may help protect the animals from heart attacks.

The authors argue that cardamom’s antioxidant content can help improve heart function.

Another study in mice found that cardamom oil could help control cholesterol levels in mice.

The researchers fed the mice a high cholesterol diet for 8 weeks.

Mice that received cardamom had significantly lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels at the end of the study.

Citing Healthline, researchers in a different study gave 3 grams of cardamom powder a day to 20 adults who were newly diagnosed with high blood pressure.

After 12 weeks, blood pressure levels dropped significantly to the normal range.

The promising results of this study may be related to the high levels of antioxidants in cardamom.

In fact, the participants’ antioxidant status had improved by up to 90 percent by the end of the study.

Antioxidants have been linked to lowering blood pressure.

Researchers also suspect that this spice can lower blood pressure because of its diuretic effect.

This means that cardamom can increase urination to remove water that has accumulated in the body, for example around the heart.

5. Maintain heart health

Citing Medical News Today, people use cardamom which contains detoxifying properties to maintain a healthy liver in Ayurvedic medicine.

One study involved people with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease who were overweight or obese.

In the study, participants who took green cardamom supplements had signs of improved liver health compared to those who took a placebo.

In another animal study, scientists fed mice a high-fat, high-carbohydrate diet and measured markers of liver health.

After 8 weeks, the mice that received cardamom had lower levels of liver stress than the mice that ate the diet without the supplement.

These findings suggest that cardamom may help protect the liver from certain types of damage.

Citing Healthline, cardamom extract can reduce elevated liver enzymes, triglycerides and cholesterol levels.

Another benefit of cardamom in this regard is that it can prevent liver enlargement and liver weight, which reduces the risk of fatty liver disease.

6. Has anticancer properties

Citing Medical News Today, cardamom contains natural phytochemicals that have the potential to fight diseases such as cancer.

The benefits of cardamom cannot replace cancer treatment, but some studies show that this spice has cancer-fighting properties.

For example, one study found that giving rats cardamom supplements for 15 days resulted in a reduction in the size and weight of their skin tumors.

7. Prevent ulcers

Another benefit of cardamom is that it can help overcome digestive diseases, such as ginger.

Some people use the spice to make a tea that soothes the stomach.

Citing Medical News Today, researchers in a study induced gastric ulcers in mice by giving them high doses of aspirin.

The researchers then gave some cardamom extract to mice to see how it affected their ulcers.

Mice that ate cardamom extract had smaller and fewer ulcers than mice that did not receive it.

Another study produced similar findings regarding the benefits of cardamom.

The researchers found that cardamom extract, in combination with turmeric and sembung leaves, helped protect against stomach ulcers in rats.

Some of the mice received aspirin alone, while others received an herbal extract of cardamom and then aspirin.

Mice that received cardamom extract had fewer and smaller stomach ulcers than mice that did not receive the herb.

Citing Healthline, cardamom extract in a study on mice could completely prevent or reduce the size of gastric ulcers by at least 50 percent.

In fact, cardamom extract at a dose of 12.5 mg was more effective than regular anti-ulcer drugs.

Research in test tubes shows that the benefits of cardamom can protect humans from Helicobacter pylori.

Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium associated with the development of most peptic ulcer problems.

However, further research is needed in humans.

8. Protects from chronic diseases

Citing Healthline, cardamom is rich in compounds that can fight inflammation.

Inflammation is a natural reaction in humans that occurs when the body is exposed to a foreign substance.

Inflammation is necessary and beneficial, but long-term inflammation can lead to chronic disease.

Antioxidants are found in abundance in cardamom, which can protect cells from damage and stop inflammation from occurring.

One study in mice found that cardamom extract in doses of 50-100 mg per kg body weight was effective in inhibiting at least 4 different inflammatory compounds.

Another study in rats showed that eating cardamom powder could decrease liver inflammation caused by eating a diet high in carbohydrates and fat.

While there isn’t much research on the anti-inflammatory effects of cardamom in humans, research shows that supplementing this spice can improve antioxidant status by up to 90 percent.

Side effects of using cardamom

Citing Medical News Today, there have been no reported risks or adverse side effects associated with the use of the cardamom spice.

Using cardamom as a spice and flavor agent is safe for most people.

The benefits of cardamom as a health drug in the form of supplements, extracts, and essential oils are also common given the promising research results on their use.

However, there is no established dose for humans to consume cardamom as a health drug, as most of the research has been done on animals.

Many cardamom capsules or tablets list a dosage of 400-500 mg of the dry herb per pill.

Before taking cardamom pills or other natural supplements, one is advised to consult a healthcare professional.

Citing Healthline, cardamom supplements may not be suitable for children and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.